Headline news...
So if you haven't already guessed, our big news is that we are moving to...

Some of you will know us well, some of you will know us a bit but we wanted to be able to tell you our story because...well, because it's important and our decision to move doesn't make sense without the story. We all have stories of our lives that make up who we are and where we've come from. These stories will be made up of celebration, tragedy, comedy, romance and more and all of us have stories that are yet to be told.
The Bible is the greatest story EVER told (do you see what I did there?), where we see how God leads His people throughout the Old Testament, speaking to them in so many ways; through dreams, angels, prophets and so on. We see how God calls ordinary people to fulfil His purposes and how their faithful obedience to Him was demonstrated. We see how God's ultimate purpose for mankind was fulfilled in the New Testament through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
We are Christians and we believe that God speaks to us today, just as He did to people in the Bible. Over the next few weeks I'll be blogging most days to tell you the story of how God has called us as a family, to move to London and be part of Revelation Church, Camden. So, putting a blog 'out there' is not something I've done before, but I felt God tell me to write our story so this seemed like a good way to do it!
It only seems fair to tell you the current state of play before I start telling the story so that you know where we're at right now. If you're a praying sort of person, you might want to offer up a prayer to two on our behalf!
- We are moving this Summer, which is really soon.
- We have no house to move to, which is really scary
- We can't afford a house in London, which is really true - there's no hidden stash of money anywhere.
Without a miracle, we cannot move.
Believe me, I know how bonkers that seems. But it says in Matthew 26;
'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible'
Next Blog Post: It started on a ferry