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'Since I speak with faltering lips...'

I am weak. I am vulnerable. There are many things I am not good at and yet somehow, in my weakness, God chooses me.

In Exodus chapter 6, God tells Moses to go and speak to Pharaoh to tell him to let the people of Israel go. Moses responds by saying '...why would Pharaoh listen to me, since I speak with faltering lips?' In chapter 7, God responds to this by saying 'see I have made you like God to Pharaoh and your brother, Aaron will be your prophet.' Whatever Moses meant by having faltering lips, it is clear that speaking publicly to the King was not something he felt was a strength!

Moses must have felt an overwhelming sinking feeling when God asked him to do something he knew he was weak in. And that's quite a lot how we feel. Making the move to London using our capital to pay for our rent feels very much from a place of human weakness - how could we think that we could do this given our 'faltering lips?' Thinking through finances is not something that we find easy, it's not a strength for Tim or I - I don't mean that we are frivolous, not at all, just that the whole area of finance is often a stress point for us, often resulting in us feeling weak. So this whole moving to London thing that God has asked of us feels like we are starting from a place of human weakness.

However, the truth is that what God has promised, He will make provision for, in order to bring about the fulfilment of His promise. And there is such safety and reassurance in that - Moses must have felt such a relief and security when God told him that Aaron would be with him. What kindness from the Lord to make that provision.

We are into our final week here in Aylsham, so our house is filling with boxes and our furniture is gradually being dismantled as we prepare to move on Friday. We are feeling all over the place emotionally as we try and manage the house sale process, handle how the kids are feeling, say our goodbyes to people we love and so on. And all the time, we have an enemy who loves to remind us how weak we are, whispering lies that are, quite frankly, really hard to bat away when you feel exhaused and emotionally wrung out!! I'm not painting a very good picture, but it's the reality of this week for us! We are holding onto the promises that God has made us and are trusting him for all of the things that we cannot see at the moment - that's faith, right?

I was encouraged by this, from the book of Hebrews this morning;

'Therefore since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. For we do not have a high priest who is unable to feel sympathy for our weakness, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet he did not sin. Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.'

I know so many of you are standing with us and praying for us, so here are the prayer points for this week;

1. For financial provision...both in the now and the long term

2. For the exchange and completion of our house sale to be set - our solicitor has been very slow and we now need them to write to our London landlord with confirmation of these dates, so please pray that is done without issue to enable us to collect the keys on Friday.

3. For school places for Esther and Eli - we have been told we can't apply for these until we are residents in Camden. This feels like quite a pressure now.

4. For us as a family to be confident in God's promises and provision - it's a hard week this week.

Ways you can support us;

1. Pray! We are so encouraged by the prayers of so many people.

2. Praying and fasting. If this is something you feel able to do on our behalf, please use the above prayer points.

3 Support us financially using our Just Giving page.

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